Corrupt practices as a ground to deal with
Bribery is the act committed by an official, foreign official or other person in charge of a public international organization, in person or through an intermediary, which consists in receiving a sum of money, securities, other interests, or getting illegal monetized services, granting other ownership rights for actions (inactions) in favour of a briber or his/her representatives, if such actions (inactions) are inherent in an official’s mandates, or in case it can contribute to such actions (inactions) in virtue of official status, as well as for general protection or job connivance.
Commercial bribery is the illegal act of giving a sum of money, securities, other interests, or rendering illegal monetized services, granting other ownership rights to a person in charge of any commercial or other organization for actions (inactions) in favour of a giver in connection with the official position held by this person (Part 1, Article 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
Conflict of interest is a situation in which a personal interest of an individual or organization representative, direct or implied, might adversely affect a duty, and in which a personal interest of an individual or organization representative might conflict with rights and legal interests of the organization that can damage rights and legal interests, property and/or goodwill of the organization the individual works for.
A personal interest of an individual (organization representative) is an interest of individual (organization representative) associated with possibility of receiving, by the individual (organization representative) in charge, a sum of money, values, other property or monetized services, other ownership rights for the benefit of the individual or a third party.
иальности целевой подготовки
Please, be informed that the responsibility for spreading knowingly false information offending the honour and dignity of another person or tarnishing that person’s reputation is stipulated by Article 128.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
In case you’ve got an information about a fact of corruption with which the officers of Pharmasyntez Group are concerned, immediately let us know by contacting:
Security department phone
+7 (495) 750-54-37 ext. 3611