HIV and AIDS are surrounded by myths and fears. Some of them are close to the truth, but most are no longer relevant, since science has gone far ahead, and incredible progress has been made in the treatment of HIV infection.
To destroy the myths, we consulted Ekaterina Stepanova, Ph.D. in Medical Sciences, infectologist, who has been treating people with HIV and AIDS since 2006.
As a result, a booklet entitled “Myths and Fears of ART” was published where Ekaterina Stepanova shares her experience and answers questions about 13 myths that many people living with HIV and their loved ones most frequently share with her.
To get an electronic version of the booklet follow this link.
You can also get a printed version at AIDS Centers in your city (availability is not guaranteed).
If you have any questions about HIV or AIDS, you can e-mail them to pr@pharmasyntez.com. We will answer them in the second version of the booklet.