The prize is granted for achievements in the implementation and promotion of cutting-edge domestic solutions in all areas of industry and IT.
Companies demonstrate their achievements in improving the competitiveness of domestic products, technological modernization of production and its efficiency in practice, meeting product needs through domestic production, including the program of import substitution and technology transfer.
Pharmasyntez was granted the prize in the category “Pharmacy and Microbiology” for the introduction of Remdeform drug product (INN Remdesivir).
Remdesivir (trade name is “Remdeform”, Marketing Authorization No. ЛП-006505 of 14.10.2020) is used for the treatment of the new coronavirus infection and is included in all inpatient treatment regimens as per version 13.1 of the interim guidelines for the treatment of patients with COVID-19 approved by the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation.
Pharmasyntez is the only manufacturer of Remdesivir drug in the territory of the Russian Federation.
Previously, Pharmasyntez became the following awards winner:
- “Priority 2017”, “Pharmacy and Microbiology” nomination
- “Priority 2018”, “Technology Transfer” nomination
- “Priority 2019”, “Pharmacy and Microbiology” nomination
- “Priority 2020”, “Pharmacy and Microbiology” nomination