Russian Pharmaceutical Industry Leader
Remdeform is included into all COVID-19 treatment regimens
Remdeform is included into all COVID-19 treatment regimens

Remdesivir (trade name: Remdeform, MA No. ЛП-006505 of October 14, 2020г) has been included into all in-hospital treatment regimens in the 12th version of the Interim Guidelines for COVID-19 Management approved by the Russian Ministry of Healthcare on September 21, 2012.

In contrast with the previous version, the updated guidelines allow an in-hospital use of remdesivir in patients with a high comorbidity score and mild COVID-19 disease.

The Pathogenetic Therapy Section has been thoroughly revised to reflect experience gained in the COVID-19 management and information on potential drug combinations, including those with remdesivir, has been added in it. Regimens for management of patients with moderate and severe COVID-19 disease have been reconsidered. So, the causal therapy has been optimized to include more effective approaches (remdesivir, human immunoglobulin for the treatment of COVID-19).

Pharmasyntez is the only manufacturer of remdesivir in Russia and it is ready to supply it as much as needed to all health care institutions of the country by the end of the year.