Pharmacotherapeutic group
hypoglycemic agent - long-acting insulin analogsInternational name
subcutaneous solutionInsulin glargine is an analog of human insulin obtained by DNA recombination of Escherichia coli bacteria (K12 strains) and is characterized by low solubility in neutral medium.
Prolonged action of insulin glargine is directly related to the reduced rate of its absorption, which allows to use the drug once a day. After subcutaneous administration, the onset of its action occurs in 1 hour. Insulin glargine is not intended for intravenous administration. The average duration of action is 24h, maximum - 29h. The drug is used in adults and children over 2 years of age. Insulin glargine cartridge is intended for use with EndoPen, ROSINSULIN ComfortPen or CutInPen reusable syringe pens.
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Prolonged action of insulin glargine is directly related to the reduced rate of its absorption, which allows to use the drug once a day. After subcutaneous administration, the onset of its action occurs in 1 hour. Insulin glargine is not intended for intravenous administration. The average duration of action is 24h, maximum - 29h. The drug is used in adults and children over 2 years of age. Insulin glargine cartridge is intended for use with EndoPen, ROSINSULIN ComfortPen or CutInPen reusable syringe pens.
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