Water for injections
Pharmacotherapeutic group
Solvent for injectionInternational name
Water for injectionsDosage form
SolventTreatment of diseases involves the use of certain medications, many of which must be dissolved before use. Water for injection is used for this purpose.
It is used for:
Intravenous, subcutaneous, and intramuscular administration.
Preparation of solutions for infusion and injection, and for dilution of medicinal products.
Topical use to moister dressings, washing mucous membranes and wounds, catheters and transfusion systems.
Soaking and washing of medical instruments and equipment during their sterilization.
An amount of liquid for preparation of a medicinal product must match the amount specified in the medicinal product package insert. An infusion rate and daily dose of the product must be set as per the medicinal product package insert. It is crucial to follow all the specified recommendations as uncontrolled use of the medicinal product may result in undesirable and rather serious consequences.
Water for injection is not used if oil or other solvent has been used to dissolve the medicinal product. It is necessary to specify what solvent is used with a particular medicinal product.
Mixing water for injection with a powder, dry substance, concentrate for injection must be controlled visually. Water may be chemically or therapeutically incompatible with some medicinal products. If a suspicious precipitate appears, the solution must not be used. Water for injection is contraindicated for direct intravascular administration because it is hypotonic. There is a risk of haemolysis!
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