Antiandren® depot
Pharmacotherapeutic group
solution for intramuscular injection, [oil]International name
cyproteroneDosage form
solution for intramuscular injectionAntiandren depot is an antiandrogenic hormonal drug.
Cyproterone by a competitive mechanism inhibits the action of androgens on their target organs, for example, protects the prostate gland from the effects of androgens of the sex glands and / or adrenal cortex. Ciproterone has a central antigonadotropic effect, leading to a decrease in testosterone synthesis in the testes and its concentration in plasma. As a result, androgenic stimulation of prostate tissue is suppressed.
In men with the use of cyproterone, depressed libido, potency and testicular function are observed. These effects are fully reversible and pass after discontinuation of treatment.
The antigonadotropic effect of cyproterone is also manifested in combination with GnRH agonists. Temporary increase in plasma testosterone concentration, observed at the initial stage of therapy with GnRH agonists, is reduced when taking cyproterone.
Cyproterone by a competitive mechanism inhibits the action of androgens on their target organs, for example, protects the prostate gland from the effects of androgens of the sex glands and / or adrenal cortex. Ciproterone has a central antigonadotropic effect, leading to a decrease in testosterone synthesis in the testes and its concentration in plasma. As a result, androgenic stimulation of prostate tissue is suppressed.
In men with the use of cyproterone, depressed libido, potency and testicular function are observed. These effects are fully reversible and pass after discontinuation of treatment.
The antigonadotropic effect of cyproterone is also manifested in combination with GnRH agonists. Temporary increase in plasma testosterone concentration, observed at the initial stage of therapy with GnRH agonists, is reduced when taking cyproterone.
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