Pharmacotherapeutic group
renal failure treatment agentInternational name
Amino acid keto analogsDosage form
tabletsKetoanalogs of amino acids are used in renal failure as a nutritional aid.
The preparation ensures the intake of essential amino acids while minimizing nitrogen intake.
After absorption, keto- and hydroxy acids can be transaminated to form the corresponding essential amino acids, with the amino group transferred from the substituted amino acids. Because of the reuse of the amino group, urea formation is slowed and the accumulation of uremic toxins is reduced. Keto and hydroxy acids do not cause hyperfiltration in the remaining nephrons. Keto-containing supplements have a positive effect on renal hyperphosphatemia and secondary hyperparathyroidism. Moreover, it is possible to improve the course of osteodystrophy.
The use of Acidoketan together with a very low-protein diet can reduce nitrogen intake while avoiding adverse events due to malnutrition and insufficient protein intake.
The preparation ensures the intake of essential amino acids while minimizing nitrogen intake.
After absorption, keto- and hydroxy acids can be transaminated to form the corresponding essential amino acids, with the amino group transferred from the substituted amino acids. Because of the reuse of the amino group, urea formation is slowed and the accumulation of uremic toxins is reduced. Keto and hydroxy acids do not cause hyperfiltration in the remaining nephrons. Keto-containing supplements have a positive effect on renal hyperphosphatemia and secondary hyperparathyroidism. Moreover, it is possible to improve the course of osteodystrophy.
The use of Acidoketan together with a very low-protein diet can reduce nitrogen intake while avoiding adverse events due to malnutrition and insufficient protein intake.
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