DlyaJens® klimo
Pharmacotherapeutic group
anticlimacteric agent combined (estrogen+gestagen)International name
Estradiol and Levonorgestrel+EstradiolDosage form
tabletsThe active ingredients of the preparation ForGens® Klimo are estradiol hemihydrate - a synthetic valerianic acid ester of 17β-estradiol and levonorgestrel (derivative of 19-nortesosterone).
Estradiol hemihydrate is broken down in the body to 17β-estradiol, chemically and biologically identical to the natural endogenous female hormone estradiol.
Estradiol replenishes estrogen deficiency in the female body after menopause and alleviates the associated symptoms of menopause ("hot flashes", increased sweating, sleep disturbance, increased nervousness, irritability, urinary incontinence, dryness and irritation of the vaginal mucosa, dyspareunia, decreased libido, joint and muscle pain, palpitations, decreased memory and concentration). Estrogen deficiency during menopause is also associated with increased bone metabolism and decreased bone mass. Estradiol prevents the loss of bone mass caused by estrogen deficiency. The effect of estrogen on bone mineral density (BMD) is dose-dependent. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is effective in reducing MPCT only during the period of therapy; after discontinuation of HRT, bone mass loss occurs at the same rate as in women not receiving replacement therapy. The results of clinical trials and meta-analyses show that long-term MST with estrogens alone or a combination of estrogens and progestagens in predominantly healthy women reduces the risk of hip, spine or other osteoparetic fractures. IGT results in a decrease in total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and an increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and an increase in triglyceride concentrations.
The addition of levonorgestrel for 12 days of each cycle of the drug reduces the risk of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer.
Estradiol hemihydrate is broken down in the body to 17β-estradiol, chemically and biologically identical to the natural endogenous female hormone estradiol.
Estradiol replenishes estrogen deficiency in the female body after menopause and alleviates the associated symptoms of menopause ("hot flashes", increased sweating, sleep disturbance, increased nervousness, irritability, urinary incontinence, dryness and irritation of the vaginal mucosa, dyspareunia, decreased libido, joint and muscle pain, palpitations, decreased memory and concentration). Estrogen deficiency during menopause is also associated with increased bone metabolism and decreased bone mass. Estradiol prevents the loss of bone mass caused by estrogen deficiency. The effect of estrogen on bone mineral density (BMD) is dose-dependent. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is effective in reducing MPCT only during the period of therapy; after discontinuation of HRT, bone mass loss occurs at the same rate as in women not receiving replacement therapy. The results of clinical trials and meta-analyses show that long-term MST with estrogens alone or a combination of estrogens and progestagens in predominantly healthy women reduces the risk of hip, spine or other osteoparetic fractures. IGT results in a decrease in total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and an increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and an increase in triglyceride concentrations.
The addition of levonorgestrel for 12 days of each cycle of the drug reduces the risk of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer.
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