Russian Pharmaceutical Industry Leader


Pharmacotherapeutic group
nootropic medication
International name
Dosage form
oral solution
Description Manufacturer Pharmacies Leave a feedback
Citicoline, being a precursor of key ultrastructural components of cell membrane (mainly phospholipids), has a wide spectrum of action - it promotes the repair of damaged cell membranes, inhibits the action of phospholipases, prevents excessive formation of free radicals, and prevents cell death by affecting the mechanisms of apoptosis. In the acute period of stroke citicoline reduces the volume of brain matter lesions, improves cholinergic transmission. In craniocerebral trauma reduces the duration of post-traumatic coma and the severity of neurological symptoms, in addition, contributes to reducing the duration of the recovery period.

In chronic cerebral hypoxia citicoline is effective in the treatment of cognitive disorders, such as memory impairment, inactivity, difficulty in performing daily activities and self-care. It increases the level of attention and consciousness and reduces the manifestation of amnesia.

Citicoline is used in the therapy of sensory and motor neurological disorders of degenerative and vascular etiology.
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