You can see BratskChemSyntez on the video. To date, this plant produces 30 pharmaceutical substances that are used in the manufacture of drugs that treat socially significant diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis and oncology. ⠀
The production volume for 2019 was 60 tons.
Why is this plant so important for the security of the country? ⠀
The main trend of recent years is stable growth in imports of pharmaceutical substances at 10-15% per year. According to analytical agency DSM Group, domestic pharmaceutical companies produced only 15% of the raw materials they needed, the rest was imported in 2019. During the pandemic, the pharmaceutical industry faced late deliveries of API, which disrupted the manufacturing process. It is crucial to be prepared for such eventualities and to be independent of imports.
We can speak of timeliness of the launch of BratskChemSyntez even in the case of our company which addresses more than half of the country's antituberculotics needs. The plant contributes to import substitution and allows to increase the share of domestically produced products of total domestic market, meeting the demand for modern, effective and high-quality pharmaceutical substances. Domestic production of pharmaceutical substances is forecast to allows to increase the share of domestic companies in the Russian pharmaceutical market up to 50%.
We invite you to discuss the prospects for the development of domestic production of pharmaceutical substances and ways to overcome dependence on imports at the 5th All-Russian GMP Conference. A panel discussion on Potential for Domestic Production of Active Pharmaceutical Substances will be held online from 13:45 to 15:15 on September 30. Participation is free. Register on -> http://gosgmp.ru/