Russian Pharmaceutical Industry Leader
First year students of Irkutsk State Medical University undertook practical training at the Pharmasyntez’s plant in Irkutsk
First year students of Irkutsk State Medical University undertook practical training at the Pharmasyntez’s plant in Irkutsk
All the trainees are the students sponsored by Pharmasyntez. They study Pharmacy at Irkutsk State Medical University.
During the two-week training period the students learnt how Irkutsk plant works, they had lectures on Pharmacy standard work, visited different departments of the main Pharmasyntez plant, learnt what their future profession will encompass – development, manufacture, registration, and quality control of pharmaceutical products.
It is to be recalled that annually Pharmasyntez admits school graduates for the purpose sponsored study of Biotechnology and Biochemistry at Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University as well as Pharmacy at Irkutsk State Medical University. This year admission for study in Saint Petersburg has been already completed. Six students will go the Northern Capital and upon graduation will join Pharmasyntez-Chemi in Usolye-Sibirskoe.