We will discuss with patient communities such issues as pricing policy, marketing authorization, access to drugs, quality control, patents and new developments, at the meeting on improving access to the treatment of HIV, hepatitis and tuberculosis in Russia, on October 22.
The meeting, organised by the Eurasian Community for Access to Treatment (ECAT), the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPCru) and the Patient Control Movement will be held in Kazan.
We participate in meetings with patient communities every year and are open for a dialogue not only within special events.
You can ask questions about the quality of our products or report on an adverse event:
• by calling a 24-hour hotline of the Pharmasyntez pharmacovigilance service at 8 800 100-15-50 (toll-free within Russia)
• by filling one of the forms on this page
• by sending us a message on Instagram, Facebook or Vkontakte