A summer internship has started at the manufacturing site of the Pharmasyntez Group of Companies in Tyumen.
34 students from the Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Tomsk State University, Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, Tyumen State University will be able to access the production of solid and semi-solid dosage forms, work in a continuous cycle hormone laboratory, learn to work with high-tech equipment.
The internship takes place in different departments of the company:
● Control and Analytical and Microbiological Laboratory;
● Process Engineering Service;
● R&D Center;
● Validation and Quality Assurance Departments;
● Production workshops.
Before the start of the internship, a thematic tour of the plant was traditionally organized for the students.
Thus, the 4th year students-pharmacists from the Tyumen State Medical University visited the workshop for the production of hormonal drugs in solid and semi-solid dosage forms, as well as the control and analytical laboratory. The future specialists got acquainted with the methods of batch products analysis and rules of reagent storage.
The students learnt about production processes and career opportunities from Vladimir Kisilenko, Chief Executive Officer of the plant, Timofei Batalov, Production Director, Nadezhda Slivchenkova, Head of the Personnel Department and Renata Aslanova, Leading Process Engineer.
After graduation, interns will have career opportunities within the company. They will be able to start as chemists, technologists, validation specialists, line operators, equipment operators and continue their development and career growth within the Pharmasyntez Group of Companies.