On December 12, the students of the Institute of Chemistry of the Tyumen State University, specializing in chemistry studies, visited the Pharmasyntez-Tyumen plant as part of the excursion.
The main purpose of the event was to attract young specialists by familiarizing them with the manufacture, equipment and laboratory operation. For most of them it is the first excursion to a possible place of future employment.
For three years this group of students had been studying the theory, and now they got the opportunity to see everything firsthand.
Chemistry students were especially interested to see from the inside the control and analytical laboratory work, the operation of chromatographs and understand the methods of analysis used in the laboratory of the plant.
"The excursion to the Pharmasyntez-Tyumen plant was very informative. We gained valuable experience and knowledge that would certainly help us in further understanding of our professional path. Before the excursion, I had no idea about working at the plant. Now, I want to work and develop in your team", - Vladislav Zanin, 4th year student of the Institute of Chemistry of the Tyumen State University, said.