Russian Pharmaceutical Industry Leader
March 24 is generally thought as a World Day of a fight against tuberculosis, the disease which is the most serious for the human. In 1882 on this day,  a German microbiologist Robert Koch announced on his discovery of tuberculosis inducer, bacillus Kochii. 
According to data of World Health Organization , tuberculosis is on the list of socially significant diseases. Annually the disease claims more than 1.5 million lives and is one of the ten leading causes of death in the world. Since 1993, tuberculosis has been considered by World Health Organization as a national calamity. The Irkutsk Region people are well acquainted  with this problem. In the region, mortality rate due to this disease is sequence higher than throughout the country in average. However, there is a positive trend. As it was reported by Mikhail Koshcheev, the Chief Medical Officer, on the regular meeting of the Interdepartmental commission for prophylaxis and prevention of socially significant diseases of the municipal government of the Irkutsk Region, in 2017 tuberculosis incidence reduced in Irkutsk, including the decreased pediatric tuberculosis by 1.5 and mortality by 1.3. 
The reason of this positive result is the complex approach directed to prevent the infection incidence in the Irkutsk region. In addition to outreach, improving knowledge base of the disease prophylaxis and prevention, pharmaceutical companies play a significant role in developing of innovative medicines. 
In this way, production of anti-TB drugs is one of the main activity for the Russian company Pharmasyntez. Implementation of advanced developments is a top-priority. At present, 50% of the Russian market is the Pharmasyntez’s anti-TB products, and every second anti-TB tablet is manufactured by this company. The Pharmasyntez’s portfolio is comprised of more than 30 anti-TB drugs, including the unique and unrivaled ones for the treatment of complex nature and antibiotic-resistant disease.  So, some years ago Pharmasyntez developed the innovative medicine for the treatment of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, which was entered into a list of vital and essential medicines.
The products of this Russian pharmaceutical company earned confidence not only at the national market, but they are also supplied to CIS countries. Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan are are well aware of products manufactured by Pharmasyntez. In the near future, it is scheduled to establish supply to Azerbaijan.